Ahead of the Australian election, young voters—especially those from Gen Z and Millennials—are expected to outnumber Baby Boomers for the first time, making their concerns and demands an important focus for politicians. With many young people actively engaged in political issues, understanding what they care about is crucial for future policy development.
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In a recent study analyzing over 22,000 writing submissions from students aged 10-18 across Australia, researchers identified several recurring themes that highlight young people’s concerns and their hopes for political change. These writings were part of the Whitlam Institute’s What Matters? competition, which has been running for the past 20 years. Through this competition, students expressed their views on a variety of societal issues. Here’s what stood out:
1. Society and Democracy
Young people’s writings indicate a strong desire for democratic integrity, responsibility, and social care. The concerns around democracy are deeply rooted in an anxiety over climate change, economic inequality, war, and technological change. Their reflections on societal issues often focus on family, racism, pollution, and poverty. In particular, they want governments to be more proactive in helping vulnerable populations. As one senior student remarked, “The Government needs to step up and do their job properly by using more effective ways of helping children and their parents get out of unsafe environments.” The sentiment of hope is present, but it is often accompanied by fear and anxiety about the future.
2. Mental Health
Mental health has emerged as a significant topic for young people. They frequently discuss the stressors affecting their well-being, such as climate change, inequality, and social isolation. Young people want governments to focus not just on treating mental health issues but also on addressing the root causes—climate change, inequality, and loneliness. Their writing emphasizes the importance of tackling the broader social and political drivers of ill-health. They believe these efforts must be integrated into policy to improve the general well-being of individuals and communities.
3. Environment and Climate Change
Environmental issues, particularly climate change, are undeniably dominant themes in young people’s writings. Young Australians express a deep concern for the future of the planet, focusing on how corporate practices are negatively impacting the environment. They demand urgent action from both individuals and institutions, calling for policies that prioritize the health of the planet for future generations. A senior student in 2019 wrote, “Our future is under threat because of climate change… it is our generation’s future that is on the line, yet we continue to be unheard.”
4. Intergenerational Justice
A central concern for young Australians is intergenerational justice, which they see as interconnected with climate action, economic opportunity, and democratic participation. Many students highlight human rights issues, such as refugee rights, gender equality, and Indigenous justice. They also express a keen awareness of Australia’s role in global conflicts and peace efforts. Young people want a more active role in shaping Australian democracy, with a focus on transparency and accountability from leaders and institutions. They call for greater involvement in decisions that directly affect their future. As 12-year-old Ivy said, “Young children should have a direct voice to parliament… adults would take us more seriously instead of just viewing us as just kids.”
5. Social Media
Young people offer nuanced perspectives on social media, recognizing both its benefits and drawbacks. They stress the importance of digital literacy and want safer online spaces. Furthermore, they are concerned about their portrayal in the media, pushing for more inclusive and accurate representation. This desire for fair representation ties into their broader goal of fostering a more inclusive and participatory democracy, where their voices are respected and considered.
Candidates on Notice
The writings reveal that young people are not just passive future constituents—they are informed, engaged, and eager to hold politicians accountable now. Having grown up during a time of significant challenges, such as natural disasters, a climate crisis, the pandemic, and digital upheavals, young people’s political values are shaped by urgency and a desire for change. They reject the notion that they are too young to understand or influence political issues and instead demand a participatory democracy. Many are ready to push for action on climate change, mental health, economic justice, and greater democratic accountability.
As young Australians prepare to vote in the next election, political leaders must pay attention to their demands for meaningful engagement, systemic change, and recognition of their rights to have a direct say in the future of their country.